When your Apera conductivity meter specifies an accuracy of ±1% F.S. (full scale), it means that the meter’s reading can deviate from the true value by up to 1% of the meter’s maximum measurable value (the full-scale value) rather than 1% of the reading at the moment. 

Apera conductivity meters range is divided into several full-scale values. For example, the EC9500 Conductivity Meter’s range is 0 to 2000 mS/cm divided into six full scales ––  

  • 0 to 19.99 µS/cm 
  • 20 to 199.9 μS/cm 
  • 200 to 1999.9 μS/cm 
  • 2000 to 19.99 mS/cm 
  • 20 mS/cm to 199.9 mS/cm 
  • 200 mS/cm to 2000 mS/cm 

Say, if you get a reading of 1400 µS/cm, it falls into the 200 to 1999.9 µS/cm scale, in which the full scale is 2000 µS/cm. So, the instrument accuracy in that full scale is ±1%*2000 µS/cm= ±20 µS/cm.  

Meanwhile, the ±1% F.S accuracy is only the error from the instrumentation alone. Taking the potential error from the conductivity sensor and the calibration solutions into considerationa more practical total accuracy of the reading should be around ±1.5% F.S, which in this case is ±1.5%*2000 µS/cm= ±30µS/cm.